Grants History

Bank of Scotland Foundation is an independent charity providing grants to local, regional and national charities across Scotland, supporting people and their local communities.

Since November 2010, Bank of Scotland Foundation has provided almost £37m to charities making positive change across Scotland.

Please click on a region on the map or choose from the "select a region" menu to see the successful grants in that area.

Regional Map
Map of Scotland West Scotland West Scotland South Scotland Lothians Central Scotland Glasgow North East Scotland Mid Scotland & Fife Highlands & Islands

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Bank of Scotland Foundation Grants Searchable table showing grants by region, charity, amount and year
Region Constituency Charity Name Details of Funding Amount Year
National Benefit Royal Voluntary Service Funding for Good Neighbours service in Dumfries and Galloway which supports 114 older people. £9,243 2014

Case Studies

Click a case study below to see how we are helping a range of organisations.