Enable Programmes 2024
Programme Opens Closes Charities advised of outcome by
Enable End of November 2024

Eligibility Guidelines

Bank of Scotland Foundation recognises the extreme impact that the cost-of-living crisis is having on people across Scotland. To ensure our funding can reach those in real need, the Enable grants programme for 2024 will solely focus on helping charities who support vulnerable groups/people.

Our Enable programme provides restricted funding solely for volunteering projects/costs/initiatives such as: -

  • Volunteer database costs
  • Volunteer transport costs
  • Volunteer Manager salaries/partial salaries of charity employees whose role is to support volunteers
  • Volunteer training
  • Volunteer protective equipment/clothing/badges
  • Volunteer out-of-pocket expenses e.g. drinks/meals
  • Volunteer insurance
  • Volunteer administration e.g. newsletters, meetings
  • Volunteer advertising and recruitment costs

To enable volunteers and ensure they can support charities the best they can, our funding can also be used to purchase materials for activities that volunteers are delivering. For example, the purchase of:

  • plants/fencing for a sensory garden that volunteers will be building
  • I-pads for volunteer counsellors to hold online counselling sessions
  • fridges for a foodbank manned by volunteers
  • supplies for a volunteer-led arts and crafts therapy group

Enable is an innovative, JOINT grants programme with Lloyds Banking Group, providing charities with both funding and volunteers as we aim to help charities grow stronger and thrive beyond the lifetime of their grant. For the charities that we fund, we expect colleagues to commence volunteering with most of them after the first year of funding is complete.

The Group’s colleagues across Scotland are enthusiastic and passionate about supporting charities and are keen to engage with the charities funded through Enable to volunteer their time and skills to support projects and initiatives.

When applying, charities will be asked to provide examples of the types of volunteering opportunities that will be available to Lloyds Banking Group colleagues and a member of the Foundation team will be responsible for ensuring charities and colleague volunteers are matched together.


To be eligible for this programme your charity MUST:

  • put vulnerable people at the heart of everything it does.
  • operate in Scotland and benefit people living in Scotland.
  • be registered in Scotland with a charity number beginning SC0.
  • have a minimum of 2 years accounts lodged and checked at OSCR. (Please note these 2 years accounts must be for the charity number on the Enable grant application). 
  • have income of £500k or less for the last year as stated in your most recent accounts that have been lodged and checked at OSCR. (If your charity income is more than £500k then it is not eligible for this programme and the application cannot be progressed.)
  • have records at OSCR (and Companies House if applicable) which are not overdue on the closing date for applications.
  • Have an OSCR record which states “it carries out activities or services itself” for the types of activity undertaken and should not state “‘it does none of these”.

 You CANNOT APPLY if your charity’s sole purpose on OSCR is listed as being: - 

  • the advancement of animal welfare 
  • the advancement of religion

You CANNOT APPLY if your charity’s sole type of activity undertaken on OSCR is listed as being: - 

  • it makes grants, donations, or gifts to organisations

You CANNOT APPLY if your charity is a political organisation. 

You CANNOT APPLY if your charity already has a live grant with us. Your grant Terms & Conditions email will contain the date of when you’re eligible to apply again.

You CANNOT APPLY if your charity has received a decline from us within the last 12 months. The decline email you received will contain the date of when you’re eligible to apply again.

Application process

Stage One

Our application process is simple and straightforward. You’ll be asked to provide information about your charity such as contact details and highlight other recent funding applications. 

Our funding is restricted for volunteering projects/costs/initiatives, and you will be asked to provide details of what our funding will be used for, such as the examples highlighted above. 

At this stage of the process, we also ask you to provide a MAXIMUM of one A4 page, and no more than 500 words, letting us know for example:

  • The purpose of your charity (why you do what you do) and the vulnerabilities of the people you support.
  • The activities of your charity and the difference your charity makes to the lives of the vulnerable people you support.
  • How your charity puts vulnerable people at the heart of everything it does.
  • Why your charity needs funding for volunteering costs/projects/initiatives.
  • The types of volunteering opportunities that will be available to Lloyds Banking Group colleagues.

Stage Two

Using the information provided in Stage One, applications will be assessed by one of our Grants Managers who may contact applicants to gather further information. (Please ensure you give us an alternative contact in the event of absence/holidays)

Stage Three

When the Grant Managers have made their recommendations, they have a detailed review and challenge session with the Chief Executive.

Stage Four

All decisions are presented to the Board of Trustees who have final approval. 

Online application 

To apply you must submit an online application, please note we can only accept one application per charity.

You must ensure as part of your application that you upload the following three documents:

  • A maximum of one A4 page with no more than 500 words as outlined above.
  • Your most recent signed Annual Accounts (including an Independent Examiner’s Report) which have been lodged and checked at OSCR. 
  • Your charity’s constitution or Memorandum and Articles of Association. 

Closing date

All applications must be submitted online by 12 noon on the closing date of Wednesday 11th September 2024. The online application system will automatically close at 12 noon and the Foundation team are unable to accept applications after this deadline. 

If you have received grant funding from Bank of Scotland Foundation within the last twelve months OR received a decline decision for ANY of our programmes (including Empower and Energise) within the last twelve months, you are NOT eligible to apply to this programme. 

If unsure of your eligibility, please contact the Foundation team at enquiries@bankofscotlandfoundation.co.uk

Decision Making Process

Every application we receive is unique however our approach during the assessment period is consistent  - whether you are applying for £1.5k or £150k. 

Our overarching aim is to fund, support and champion charities that are making a difference with vulnerable people and improving their quality of life.

Initial Checks

All applications are checked to ensure that they meet our eligibility criteria and all supporting documentation has been uploaded.  Details can be found here


If an application meets our initial checks, it will be assessed by one of our Grant Managers who will consider:

  • The purpose of your charity (why you do what you do) and the vulnerabilities of the people you support
  • Your activities and the difference your charity makes to the lives of the people you support 
  • Why you need funding and (if applicable) what unrestricted funding will help you to do?  
  • Your financial position – your current sources of income, your funding gap/need for funding, your unrestricted reserves

Our Grant Managers assess each application on a stand-alone basis.

Further Information

We may contact applicants to gather further information if needed.


When the Grant Managers have made their recommendations, they have a detailed review and challenge session with the Chief Executive.


All decisions are presented to the Board of Trustees who have final approval. 


All applicants are informed of their decision and advised of next steps.  Where an application is declined, we can offer feedback calls to explain the reasons why.